6 to 12 years

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Introduction to Montessori Education | Ages 0 to 12

It is the most general introductory course to Montessori education that we offer from IMI, with a tour of its different curricular areas, for children from birth to adolescence .

Niño aprendiendo matemáticas con Montessori

Montessori Mathematics | Ages 3 to 12

The mathematical mind is the ability that human beings have to solve problems, discover patterns in nature and plan actions that lead us to a previously visualized objective.


Montessori Science | Ages 3 to 12

The Montessori approach to science is related to other areas of knowledge. It cultivates admiration and respect for the planet and its inhabitants, taking advantage of children’s admiration for nature.

materiales montessori para primaria

Montessori Elementary | Ages 6 to 12

Theoretical bases of Montessori pedagogy and examples of activities for children from 6 to 12 years old, considering that they are the protagonists of learning.


Montessori Arts | Ages 6 to 12

New Online Montessori Arts Course for the Primary stage: children between 6 and 12 years old. An introductory course for Music and Visual Arts educators.


Montessori Mathematics | Ages 6 to 12

Montessori mathematics focuses on sensory experience, to help children and adolescents learn and remember abstract concepts such as mathematics, through concrete experiences.


Montessori Language | Ages 6 to 12

Based on the need and interest of children to communicate, aspects such as grammar or syntax are presented dynamically and through manipulative materials.

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