Niño aprendiendo matemáticas con Montessori

Montessori Mathematics | Ages 3 to 12

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This training is created under the premise that we all have a natural inclination towards mathematical thinking, which must be cultivated so that children can compare, classify, serialize and identify patterns, among other skills.

In this course you will know the sequence of the work of Mathematics in the Children’s House and in the primary and representative materials of the area and its characteristics, such as the history of numbers, which facilitate and arouse the enthusiasm of children for these learning.


Discover all the Montessori courses available, as well as other courses focused on improving the educational quality of the school.


Discover all the Montessori courses available, as well as other courses focused on improving the educational quality of the school.



Provide theoretical tools to understand the child's mathematical mind and improve teaching and learning teaching proposals.


Teach the curricular sequence of mathematics that the Montessori method proposes from 3 to 12 years old.


Provide practical tools through the mathematical development materials to be able to introduce manipulative materials in any mathematics class.


Practice with Montessori Materials to integrate the theoretical and practical tools offered in the seminar.


Design some experiences that promote mathematics in children between 3 and 12 years old.


Identify the main aspects for the implementation of this pedagogy.


  • Teaching team with great knowledge and international experience in Montessori classrooms.
  • Didactic material: in our virtual campus you will find theoretical and practical content and videos.

If you ever thought you were bad at math, you were wrong. We are all born with a powerful mathematical mind. The mathematical mind, as conceived by Maria Montessori, is the capacity that human beings have to solve problems, discover patterns in nature and plan actions that lead us to a previously visualised objective. In short, the mathematical mind is the instrument with which nature has endowed us to adapt to the environment and survive.
Our task as educators is to exalt the child’s mathematical mind. When the child asks pointing to the zero: What is put in this box? it is answered:”Nothing; zero means nothing”. But this is not enough: it is necessary to make feel what means nothing . (Montessori, 2015). This is the secret of Montessori pedagogy. This methodology focuses on sensory experience and it is through this experience that the child is able to remember and learn an abstract concept such as mathematics, in a way appropriate to his level of development.

The mathematical mind is therefore universal, is present from birth, and is part of human tendencies such as Abstraction, Work, Order, Accuracy and Exploration. Mathematics is in the environment, and children can learn it in the same way that they learn to speak, with the daily events of daily life.
In this Montessori Mathematics course, we want to offer theoretical tools to understand the child’s mathematical mind, thus being able to improve the teaching proposals that can be given in any educational environment.

We will do it relying on the same Montessori materials. Seeking to understand its internal logic, the reason for its design and its multiple uses at the service of the child’s mathematical mind.
In turn, we will intersperse theoretical elements that allow us to understand Montessori philosophy, the prepared environments, their operation and the psycho-pedagogical principles on which they are based, with more depth and scope.

  • Mathematical mind or the thinking potential of the child.
  • Planes of psycho-arithmetic: order the mathematics to follow the child.
  • History of numbers: mathematics within cosmic education.
  • Sequence of Montessori materials: from sensory to abstract.
  • Mathematical development materials: use, understanding and practice through the senses.

The Montessori Mathematics course is aimed at:

  • Technicians in Early Childhood Education
  • Early childhood educators
  • Primary education teachers
  • Homeschooler families (homeschooling)
  • Toy library educators
  • Educators of children with special needs
  • Grandparents, families and any other professional profile interested in this stage of development 
  • Psychologists, Speech Therapists, Paediatricians, Therapists, Neurologists
  • Children’s educators
  • Mothers and fathers
  • Babysitter
  • Other educational environments
  • Any professional interested in educational innovation

After successfully completing the activities requested at the end of each module, the student will receive the Introductory course to Montessori Mathematics Certificate in digital format, issued , by the International Montessori Institute as the official training centre for Montessori pedagogy.

Registering for the course is very simple, you must click on the “Take this Course” button that you will find under the course title.

Once this is done, the shopping cart will appear with the course you have chosen, and you must click on “Proceed to checkout”, or continue browsing our website to add new courses to your cart.

The next step will be to fill in the form with the billing information and choose the payment method: by card or Paypal, and click on “Place order”.

After the registration process, you will automatically receive a welcome email, which will include your access codes so that you can start the course. Remember that you have up to 30 days to complete the course.

Remember that after reading or viewing the content of the lessons you must press the “Completed” button, and thus proceed to the next topic. 

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